Hiroyoshi Iwata 

岩田 紘宜

Researcher in Climate Finance, Technological innovation and Sustainable Entrepreneurship

PhD Candidate & Research Assistant at the University of Tokyo in Japan

About Me

Driven by a passion for advancing science, technology, and innovation, my career is dedicated to creating a sustainable future for our planet.

I am researching climate change and innovation at the University of Tokyo. Throughout my work at private companies and research institutions, I've developed expertise in R&D, engineering, business development, startup investment, and policy research, within the energy and environmental sectors.

My love for nature, history, and art has led me to backpack across the world. I'm an avid collector of Japanese ukiyo-e art, with a particular focus on woodblock prints of Yoshitoshi Tsukioka, and a member of the International Ukiyo-e Society. I'm also a weekend yoga lover and capoeirista.




*a) Papers Published in Journals

1. S. Nakano, T. Suzuki, L. Kawarada, H. Iwata, K. Asano, and T. Suzuki, “Nsun3 methylase initiates 5-formylcytidine biogenesis in human mitochondrial trnamet,” Nature Chemical Biology, vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 546–551, 2016.

*b) Recent research  presentations

11. Iwata, H., Sugiyama, M., Tanaka, K., & Kubo, K. (2024, January 26). Innovation Finance for Decarbonization: Impact of Energy Startups and Policy Support in Japan. 40th Energy Systems, Economics, and Environment Conference, The Japan Society of Energy and Resources.

10. Iwata, H. (2024, February 15). Climate Change and Innovation Research: Perspectives on the Sustainability Transition. First Climate Change Innovation Research Conference.

9. Iwata, H., Sugiyama, M., & Tanaka, K. (2023, December 18). Decarbonization Innovation in Climate Policy: A Case Study of Fusion. SEEPS Workshop. 

8.   Iwata, H., Sugiyama, M., & Tanaka, K. (2023, November 9). Energy Innovation Finance in Japan and the Impact of Market and Policy Mechanisms. EDITS Annual Meeting 2023 (Energy Demand changes Induced by Technological and Social innovations).

7.  Iwata, H. (2023, October 18). Understanding the Climate-Tech Innovation Driven by Startups. Climate Change Symposium, "Climate Change Measures and Future Vision: Prospects for Adaptation and Mitigation Research," Poster.
6.  Iwata, H. (2023, September 13). Innovation Support Mechanisms for Climate Change Mitigation: Analysis of Fusion Technology Investment. Future PhD Fes.

5. Iwata, H., & Tanaka, K. (2023, September 3). How Startups Enable Energy Innovation: A Case Study of Nuclear Fusion. CUE2023: The 9th Applied Energy Symposium: Low Carbon Cities and Urban Energy Systems, Applied Energy, Advances in Applied Energy, Applied Energy Innovation Institute, Mälardalen University.

4. Iwata, H., Tomita, R., & Tanaka, K. (2023, August 2). Innovation Mechanisms of Climate Tech Startups - Case Study on Nuclear Fusion. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Energy and Resources.

3. Iwata, H., & Tomita, R. (2023, February 28). Examination of Growth of Climate-Tech Startups - Trends and Commercialization Characteristics Based on Startup Data. SDG Symposium 2023: Exploring the Linkage between Cities and Nature and Designing Solutions for Sustainability, University of Tokyo, Springer Nature.

2. Iwata, H., Varada, K., Zhang, J., Tomita, R., & Kapoor, C. (2023, January 27). An Examination of the Business Growth of Climate Tech Startups: Trends and Commercialization Characteristics Based on Fundraising Data. 39th Energy Systems, Economics, and Environment Conference, The Japan Society of Energy and Resources.

1. Iwata, H. (2017, March 1). Development of Renewable Energy Conversion Technology for Biomass Resources. Case Study Seminar on Japanese-Style Infrastructure Development, Engineering Advancement Association of Japan.

*c) Technical Reports

2. [Japanese,Unrefereed]T.Kishiguchi,M.Yoshida,Y.Saiwai,K.Noguchi,H.Iwata,and3others:“Palm Trunk Fuel Conversion Technology Attempt to Improve Pellet Quality ”, Nippon Steel & Sumikin Engineering Technical Journal, Vol. 10, Jan. 2019, 2019

1. [Japanese,Unrefereed]Jointauthorship:“ProductIntroduction:PalmTrunkFuelConversion Technology Development of New Type of Pressing Machine ”, Nippon Steel & Sumikin Engineering Technical Report 2017, Vol.8, Jan, 2017

*d) Patents

1. 1 H. Iwata, T. Kishiguchi, M. Yoshida, and T. Nishi, Squeezing Equipment and Method, Japanese Patent No. 6250213 (registered), filed May 2017

*e) Media articles

3.  [Japanese]The Role and Challenges of the Plant Engineering Industry on the Frontlines of Climate Tech Innovation, ENGINEERING BUSINESS - Dec 2023

2. [Japanese]Editors,HiroyoshiIwataandRiichiroKimura,“StartupsforaDecarbonizedSociety:Their Role in Realizing a Sustainable Society”, GB Universe - Sep 3, 2021

1. [Japanese]Editors,HiroyoshiIwata,“What is nuclearfusion-whys hould we focus on the deepenergytech that could make carbon neutrality a reality”, GB Universe - Feb 14, 2022

In addition to my research activities, I have been involved in the following activities:

Working as an engineer in the development of biofuels in Southeast Asia

Engaged as engineer in technology development using biomass on Indonesian plantations as feedstock.

Enpowering Climate-Tech innovation ecosystem

Together with Japanese innovation hub in the environmental energy sector for startups, investors and scientists.

Contact Details

Email: iwatakanou@gmail.com

ResearchGate: Hiroyoshi Iwata

LinkedIn: Hiroyoshi Iwata

ORCID : 0000-0002-4686-028X